Explore Polish
Community in Rotterdam.

Welcome to the Erasmus Polish Student Society

Welcome to the Erasmus Polish Student Society!

Connecting students from Poland with Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Become a Member
Board of the Erasmus Polish Student Society

Our Mission

We aim to create a home away from home for Polish students at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Through our events and support we make sure everyone feels like home. We also facilitate the cultural exchange with other assocations through all forms of collaboration.

1st Board Erasmus Polish Student Society

0 Active Members

0 Passive Members

0 Events in the last 6 months


Through our events we make sure, that Polish students are in touch with our culture, while other students can enjoy our vibrant culture.



Our events attract people both from Poland and other countries. Activities organized by us are the backbone of Rotterdam's Polish student community.



Despite being just one year old, Erasmus Polish Student Society quickly gained traction within Polish community in Rotterdam. Ad astra!


Our Past Events: